Get Your Bright Smile With Teeth Whitening

Do you have a dull smile? Want to bring back the lost shine? Teeth whitening treatment in Covington is the best option to bring back the sparkle to your smile and get rid of stained or discolored teeth.

Even after brushing and flossing every day, you might not be able to achieve the best smile you desire. The best way you can ensure white teeth is by getting professional teeth whitening treatment in Covington, WA, that will brighten and whiten your smile significantly. You can now achieve the smile of your dream in one session. However, first, we need to understand why teeth change color.

Why Did My Teeth Change Color?

Over time due to different reasons your teeth can lose their shine and become yellow. This may be due to the following reasons:

#1. Foods and drinks

If you regularly consume dark-colored foods that can stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, etc., it can cause your teeth to get yellow over time. These foods and drinks include intense color pigments called chromogens that attach to your enamel and can cause your teeth to stain.

#2. Tobacco Use

If you consume tobacco, it can cause stubborn stains to develop on your teeth. This is due to the tar and nicotine present in tobacco, which can create dark or brown spots on your teeth.

#3. Age

Your age can also cause yellow teeth, due to wear and tear of the enamel, which gets thinner with brushing.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening is a simple process, that includes a teeth whitening gel that contains hydrogen peroxide. This breaks the stains into smaller pieces and makes the color less concentrated, which makes your teeth brighter.

What Are My Teeth Whitening Options?

If you want the best and the brightest smile, you need to consult a cosmetic dentist in Covington before selecting your treatment. Following are the safest and quickest ways to ensure bright teeth.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment

If you want to achieve the smile of your dreams, you should get your teeth whitening treatment from Covington.

An in-office teeth whitening treatment is performed as follows:

  • First, a good dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and ensure teeth whitening is the best option for you.
  • If you suffer from cavities or any other oral issues, you need to get it fixed before a teeth whitening treatment.
  • After the dentist will examine and clean your teeth by removing the plaque build-up. They will then go on to cover your gums, tongue, cheek, or other fleshy parts of your mouth to prevent contact with the gel.
  • The peroxide gel will be applied to your teeth and kept on your teeth for an hour.

After your teeth whitening treatment, you can be sure to achieve a smile that’s eight times lighter within one session. With professional teeth whitening treatment from Covington, you may experience little to no sensitivity.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits 

The dentist in Covington can provide you with custom-made take-home kits that include customized trays and gel, which will help you achieve the desired results in the comfort of your home. A good dentist will provide proper instructions on how to place the gel, and how long you should leave it on.

With take-home kits, you will receive customized trays, which means the gel won’t touch your gums. You will also receive even whitening. However, the concentration of the peroxide gel is lower, which means you will require a few uses to achieve your perfect smile.

Teeth Whitening In Covington, WA

If you want to achieve a bright smile, you need to visit our cosmetic dentist in Covington, WA, to get the smile of your dreams. At Northwest Family Dental Care, we provide Opalescence take-home teeth whitening kits, which will remove stubborn stains and make sure you get a bright smile. These kits are safe and easy to use, they will also protect your teeth and gums. Contact us today to achieve the smile of your dreams with our teeth whitening treatment.